About Amanda Moser

Hi Friends!

I am the Founder of Weed Love Sex.

I started this business to create a community and safe-space for individuals that want to learn more on sex, cannabis, and how to combine the two for maximum sexual pleasure. I have a Master's degree in specializing in Human Sexuality with a minor in Cultural Anthropology. I am a cannabis researcher and one of the first and few researchers to study how cannabis influences one's sex life. My minor in cultural anthropology will help me understand the cannabis and sex culture in your area, the impact it has on you, and how to navigate it.

I know what it’s like to live in a state where cannabis is illegal and sex is stigmatized. Thankfully, my educational services are available to anybody, despite the legality of cannabis in your state and/or the stigmatization of sex within your society.

I am a consultant, not a therapist

Consulting is “the business of giving expert advice".

This allows for personalized sessions based on client needs, questions, and existing knowledge of each client.